Welcome Remark By Our Chairman – Dr. Kayode Ayodele

07/14/2016 0 comments mbhosbana Categories storiesTags ,

Welcome to the digital home of Methodist Boys’ High School Lagos Old Boys Association, North America Chapter. Founded in 1878, MBHS, Lagos, is an institution dedicated to producing boys that will become pillars of their community and society at large, wherever they choose to reside.

We are all bonded by the school motto: Non Sibi Sed Aliis – Not for Us but for Others. This is a statement that has become the creed of conduct by old students of the school. In essence, we are reminded to ask not what our community can do for us but what we can do for our community.

It is in this spirit that Methodist Boys’ High School Lagos North America Chapter was started. Our Association is the official platform representing individuals that have attended Methodist Boys’ High School Lagos, Nigeria at any time and are currently resident in the United States and Canada.

The Association was legally incorporated in 2003 and granted a non-profit 501- (c) (3) status in 2005 by Internal Revenue Service. Our main mission as a non-profit entity restricts our activities to “Cater for the welfare of the school and actively participate in the educational, social and other activities of the school, its progress and development”.

This is further detailed in Appendix 1 of our Bye-Laws:
“The activities that will be supported and operated by the Methodist Boys High School Lagos Old Boys Association North American Chapter will be charitable, educational, cultural, literary and scientific. In order to accomplish these purposes and objectives, the organization will encourage the attendance of qualified students at Methodist Boys’ High School, Lagos; assist in raising funds for development of the school; assist in advancing high standards of education at the school; and support the school’s charitable, educational, cultural, literary and scientific aims, purposes and programs.”

“We have diligently pursued our mission by completing several notable projects for our Alma Mater. These projects include the complete renovations of the Chemistry, Biology and Physics Laboratories all to the enviable standard of such laboratories that can be found in any elite high school in the United States and Canada. In the age in which information technology is playing a significant role in our daily activities our Association embarked on the project to build and equip a state-of-the-art computer laboratory for the school. ”

The Computer Laboratory was equipped with 35 laptop computers networked to a teaching interactive digital board for the instructor. The Computer Laboratory is fully air-conditioned with power inverters installed having adequate capacity to enable uninterrupted electricity supply. With the welfare of students at the school as high priority our Association embarked on a project to completely renovate and equip the school clinic to the standard of the projects like the completed science and computer laboratories.


Dr. Alaba was a Deputy Head Boy of Class of 1967, belonged to Kingswood House.

He has been our Chairman since 2016

We believe that solid infrastructure to facilitate good teaching and learning environment is crucial to the quality of education received by students attending the school. With this guiding idea 300 chairs and desks were produced for the school along with quality tables and chairs for the teachers.

As we move forward with our mission for the Alma Mater we encourage alumni of Methodist Boys’ High School Lagos in the United States and Canada to become members of our Association and join with us to foster the mission for which the Association was founded.

Let us try to live up to our School Pledge:
I pledge myself to remember at all times and in all places,
I am the school’s representative.
I will therefore strive to refrain from any word or deed which may bring discredit to it.
I would ever seek to be worthy of the school, to add to its luster, and cherish its highest traditions.
I will try to play my part in transmitting it to others, not less but greater and better than it was transmitted to me,